West Bengal Bonus Payment Guideline before Puja in 2022. Check How Much Bonus You get this Year

Government of West Bengal advice all the employer and companies to provide the Bonus for the year 2022 on urgent basis before Durga Puja Festival to maintain industrial Peace and Harmony.

West Bengal Labour Department published its official notification vide notification number: Labr/420/(LC-IR)/22013/56/2019 for the payment of Bonus on or before 23rd September, 2022.

West Bengal Bonus Payment Guideline

Governor of West Bengal also advice to follow the rules and regulation as per the Provision of the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 and Payment of Bonus (Amendment), Act, 2015 which is also stated in the official notification.

  • The rate of payment of Bonus should not be less than the previous year Bonus payment.
  • The employer may make the payment of ex-Gratia in lieu of Bonus to those employee who have crossed the eligibility limit as per the Provision of the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.
  • The Bonus should be paid to the left or retired employees who have worked at least days 30 days during the last financial year.
  • The employer or companies who are in default toward payment of Bonus in last year advised to make the payment for both previous year and current year Bonus.
  • The Government also appeal the Trade Unions and employer to settle grievance towards payment of Bonus if any without any disruption in work or company/Factory.
  • Last year Govt has identify many cases in IT sector, Shops and Establishment, Hotels and Restaurants, Security Agency where no employee has paid the Bonus as per Law. This year Government urges to make the payment towards Bonus as per Provision of the Act.
  • All the payment of Bonus should be completed before 23.09.2022.
  • For Muslim employees, Bonus need to be paid before Eid-Ul- Fitre of 2022.

Employees or worker working under unorganized sector basically not covered under the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 and Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Act, 2015.

But the Government of West Bengal requested to pay the Bonus or Ex-Gratia to the employees before 23.09.2022 or before Eid-Ul- Fitre of 2022 in case of Muslim Employees or Worker employed in Unorganized Sector.

You may download the official notification by Click Here.

For More information on payment of Bonus and rules associated with the it please Click Here.

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