National Career Service | Govt initiative to Fight against Unemployment in India

National Career Service (NCS) is a government portal that facilitates wide variety of services which ultimately contributed to reduce the unemployment issues in India.

Unemployment in India is raising day by day where the Government tried to tackle the unemployment issue with new ideas and scheme. However, it is not practically possible for a country when population has gone beyond 1.4 billion and it is still raising.

National Career Service (NCS)

National Career Service is an initiative of Government of India to solve the unemployment issue bringing the job seekers and employer and other relevant stakeholders at a single platform.

It works towards bridging the gap between jobseekers and employers, candidates seeking training and career guidance, agencies providing training and career counselling.

The NCS project reaches out to the people of this country through its three essential pillars i.e. a well designed ICT based portal which is NCS portal, Country wide set up of Model Career Centers and Interlinkage with all the states through employment exchanges.

National Career Service provide online services through its portal where job seekers can register themselves and search job jobs, employer can register themselves to publish new job vacancies, career Counsellors can register themselves to provide counselling services etc.

The portal is also supported by a multi lingual call center where the users can call the NCS Toll Free Number 1514 for any support. The services of the call center are available from Tuesday to Sunday from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM in seven different languages i.e Hindi, English, Bengali, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu.

Stakeholders: National Career Service (NCS)

Following are the major stakeholders of National Career Service:

  1. Jobseekers.
  2. Employers.
  3. Govt Employers.
  4. Placement Organizations.
  5. Counsellors.
  6. Service providers.

Model Career Centers

Model Career Centers are established under National Career Service to offer a variety of career development services and programs to jobseekers so that they can explore their interests, discover paths to career opportunities. Career Centre supports Job seekers to become effective employee.

It offer services to students, fresh graduates, alumni and also provides group workshops to help its registered users to upskill themselves.

Under National Career Service Scheme, Career Centers are set up in educational and training Institutions, corporate set ups, Employment exchanges, Vocational Rehabilitation Centers (VRCs), Coaching-cum-Guidance Centers (CGCs).

At present there are around 370 Model Career centers established all over the country and all Model Career Centers are primarily present at the Employment Exchanges of Every states.

Model Career Centers helps the jobseekers to register under the portal, provide individual Career guidance to jobseekers, group guidance, find potential employers in the area and register themselves under the Portal, conduct offline and online job fairs and events etc.

Job Seekers Registration Process in NCS


Employer Registration Process in NCS


Government Employer Registration Process in NCS


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Free Training Program provided by NCS

Job seekers may enroll for free training program under NCS to enhance the career skill provided by TCS ION and Microsoft and after completion of the training program/course candidate/jobseekers will get certificate which will help them to attract more employer.

Statistical data of National Career Service

According to the recent report, there are approximately 6,36,308 active employer registered on NCS and 2,96,583 active job available in the portal for jobseekers. NSC portal also registering International employer who post International vacancies under NCS portal.

For more details you may visit the official National Career Service portal. If you have any query regarding this article please do comment below.

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