Latest Minimum Wages in Chandigarh effective from 1st Oct, 2022

Minimum Wages in Chandigarh has been revised by the Assistant Labour Commissioner of the Union Territory which will be effective from 1st October, 2022.

The official Notification has been published on 2nd November, 2022 vide Notification No: ST/CPI/2022-23/2503.

The latest Minimum Wages in Chandigarh is payable from 1st October, 2022 to 31st March, 2023 for a period of 6 month. Then again new notification will be issued by the respective department.

Category-wise Minimum Wages in given in the below table:(all values in INR)

Sl NoCategory of EmployeeMonthly Wages(1.4.22 to 30.9.2022)Daily Wages(1.4.22 to 30.9.2022)Monthly Wages(1.10.22 to 31.3.2023)Daily Wages(1.10.22 to 31.3.2023)
M.W in Chandigarh

M.W for Employees engaged in Hotel, Restaurants, Tea Stall and Halwai given separately in the Notification which is mentioned in the below table:(all values in INR)

Sl NoCategory of EmployeeMonthly Wages without Food and Lodging (1.10.22 to 31.3.2023)Monthly Wages with Food and Lodging (1.10.22 to 31.3.2023)For Food and Lodging
M.W in Chandigarh

Definition of Employment Categories: Minimum Wages in Chandigarh

Labour Department of Chandigarh has provided a broader definition of each categories of employment for Unskilled, Semi Skilled, Highly Skilled and Office Staff.


An employee engaged in manual work which does not required any special or specific skill to conduct the activity.

Basically physical works are involved in this category like lifting, pushing, pulling, shifting goods, moving earth or water etc. Employee of this category assist another employee in a schedule employment or who does work of washing, packing, wrapping, filling washing etc.


Semi-skilled employees who has not passed the intermediate or equivalent examination and have learned by experience to work on machine and operate or work on such machine or who has acquired some skill in any technical and professional trade basically include plumber, stitcher, tailor, barber mochi etc.


Employees falls under this category has passed the intermediate or equivalent examination and have learned by experience to work on a machine and operate such machine or who worked at least 5 years on any of work falling under semi-skilled-II category or who is a driver of medium, heavy or any special vehicle or pressman, glass cutter, bakery mistry head waiter, camera operator etc.


Employee under skilled-II category has passed a certificate examination in technical or other professional trade from a Govt. recognized institution, board or university and who does work in that trade or profession and include a grinder man, line man, welder, turner, wireman, electrician, painter electrician etc.


Skilled-I employee means an employee who passed his diploma or equivalent examination in any discipline from Govt. recognized institute, Board or a university and does work in discipline or who is at least graduate which may include MR, Advertiser, Marketing Professional or chef or technical supervisor etc. who does any similar nature of works.


Highly skilled employees were those employee who is graduate in any discipline or professional trade from Govt. recognized institute or university and work as a foreman, manager, executive or an Officer etc.


Matriculation or equivalent examination passed and employed as clerk, time keeper, munshi, store assistant, store keeper, accounts assistant typist, ticket checker nurse or nursing assistant, ticket collector etc.


Graduate in any discipline except technical and who worked as class-III(staff) whether designated with same or similar nomenclature but not falls under Class-I(staff) who may be accountant, purchase man, store in-charge, architect, artesian etc.


Class-I(Staff) employee work as assistant manager, foreman, executive, engineer, officer, office supervisor, medical officer doctor, dentist, surgeon, pharmacist or any other similar position etc.

You may download the official notification by click here. For, more relevant information you may also visit the official website of Chandigarh Labour Department.

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